I have found a place of peace and contentment here at Tarkio. I do also realize that, in these many years, that there are several of us that have become the individuals that we hoped we would never be. I for one have always refused to follow any lead but my own and my presence here alone, broke in the wilderness proves that. I am still as full of rebellion as ever. Maybe I didn't get rich or famous as I promised many mates and so, save all of mankind from a total annihilation but, I did help a few individuals reach some goals and find a path of least resistance in their own walk on this orb. Counseling has been my quest and that old adage that a counselor can give anyone wise advice but himself is so true. As we often flip through the pages of our lives, we find that the advice we have freely given to others could very well have been applied to our own lives, never is, is it? I don't know all of your stories but, I do hope that this re-union will cause a few of us to get together and talk about our inner-selves or at least bare enough breast to let someone know of their unrest, hurts and joy's. In the late 80's while working as a photo-journalist, I was going through some old tomes on typesetting, the furniture and all the work that it took to produce a newspaper. It is now done by a computer program in a fraction of the time and far less work. No, I am not putting technology down as another infamous fellow Montana hermit has done, but there was a lot of work in simply setting the type, the grace and style I believe can never be reproduced. Anyway, before I drift to deeply the type (font) manufactures would place these fantastically beautiful advertisements in the media's literature and it was one of these ads that caused me to realize what it was that I was trying so desperately to tell all those I counsel. Therefore, following on the next page is that piece that I so truly love and share freely with the world. It was written some time ago of coarse, by someone who cared enough for mankind as not to sign it. Like scripture, it's truth's are frighteningly simple and if we could only live of lives by these simple rules all would be well. Life is anything but pure and simple in these times and that is the very reason why I am so happy with what I have here at Tarkio. Often lonely but always content, may we all find just enough.